About Nancy Martin
Nancy Martin earned a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Kentucky in her native state. She moved to Glendale, WI in 1995. After thirty years programming computers, she switched gears to help her father-in-law write his memoir, Patton’s Lucky Scout, published by Crickhollow Books. (Visit the website here.)
She leads many senior storytelling groups and teaches memoir classes. Nancy was a 2014 cast member of the Milwaukee Listen to Your Mother show. She has a story about winter driving lessons in the 2016 Milwaukee Writer’s Circle anthology – Milwaukee: People, Places and Traditions. For the 2017 Hidden Timber Books anthology, Family Stories from the Attic, she contributed a story about her dad being a teetotaler.
Nancy enjoys reading eclectically – but reads mostly memoirs and biographies. She read all the biographies in her grade school library, so they made her a junior librarian.
Since sending her son off to college, she has become increasingly passionate about being a Johnny Appleseed of family storytelling. Nancy is emphatic that everyone has a story to tell – and should!
For more about Nancy, check out her blog post: Who is Nancy and How Did She Get on Butterfly Drive?